In the U.S. alone there are 2 million nonprofits. And counting.

Resourcing a nonprofit is not easy nor is it for the faint of heart.

Together, let’s enhance your brand messaging, attract the right supporters and build fundraising strategy for sustainable growth.

Building tomorrow by resourcing nonprofits today.

Our approach walks through 3 pivotal phases:

🔲 Attention: It all starts here. We help you cut through the noise with a compelling brand and messaging that grabs attention. This isn’t just about logos or tag lines; it's about understanding your brand and unique positioning.

🔲 Trust: Once noticed, we focus on building trust. This isn't a one-off task; it’s an ongoing commitment to authenticity and relationship building.

🔲 Investment: Trust leads to investment, not just in monetary terms, but in belief, effort, and advocacy. Investment in your brand catalyzes what you really want: a sustainable cycle of growth.

Services Overview

  • Speaking content for Nonprofit Leadership & General Audiences. Virtual, In-Person & Webinar Delivery available. I aim to elevate your team's understanding and enthusiasm for social impact and philanthropy through interactive, thought-provoking content, with a splash of memes and humor.

  • Participate in hands-on workshops for an array of topics including the creation of synergy between nonprofit marketing and fundraising, brand building and the future of nonprofits. Sessions are interactive and tailored to empower teams with practical tools and knowledge.

  • Receive personalized consulting services! As a nonprofit practitioner (I am not on the sidelines), I offer tailored advice, guidance, and actionable plans to enhance your organization's philanthropic efforts, audience building and outreach.

Breathe new life into your nonprofit via better messaging, relationship building & sustainable funding.

Friends, the nonprofit sector can be a tough place to succeed. As a frontline fundraiser, I know this firsthand and often find that the work preventing investment is not just in identifying donors. Rather, it’s the lack of a strong theory of change, brand, and clear communication.

You are doing great work. Let’s talk about how to make it easier and more fun. Are you in?

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